T.500 Innovation Dream Tour
Discover our Team and our services

What we do
T.500 Innovation Dream Tour is an innovative start-up of rental vintage cars, that offers its customers unique and innovative experiences, discovering the wonders of the province of Siena with the support of new technologies.
The Mission
T.500, a new combination of vintage and new technologies, where the key words are "quality and innovation": these are the aspects that most represent our idea of experiential tourism. We want to offer a service memorable, be reminded in time. This is the mission of T.500: to make a dream come true. It is the dream of Tuscany landscapes, the dream of a return to the past, the dream of being able to live inside a movie.
Our strengths
What makes the difference in T.500 is not only the destination (hidden and unknown places), but the experience and activity offered. Due to the high technological value, who whants to use our service can make the booking directly through the website, choosing the duration and the type of experience (or tour).A navigator, inserted inside the car, indicates the trail to follow, some videos with historical-artistic explanations, viewable (by choice) through their smartphones or through the tablets supplied to each car (one for passenger), allow an unique, immersive and fascinating experience. Our customers can discover the historical and artistic beauties of the places in complete autonomy.
Jacopo Rossi Napoli - CEO
Manager "in the soul", I love art in all its forms: history, cinema, tourism and travel are my passions. Graduated in art history, president of some cultural associations I organized events and exhibitions. Working in sport, I understood the strong importance of team and dedication.
Mauro Cardillo - CTO
Curiosity, passion, creativity and study are the elements with which I realize my work, from the development of web applications to that of apps, moving from Linux to Windows. I am a perfectionist and I want to pursue the best result with commitment, logic and dedication.
Annalisa Marroni - CMO
Graduated in "Strategies and Techniques of Communication", I love the word as a means of expression and persuasion. Ambitious and determined, in life and work, I seek harmony and collaboration. Password, success: the shot in the barrel is only one and if we make a mistake to take aim, you risk not scoring.
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